Monday, February 28, 2011

Let Us Not Forget

In just about 2 hours, another Black History Month will have passed. For some, its a far too often reminder of the history that this country has had on a select group of minorities. For others, its just another month of an often busy lifestyle. For any of my readers that may be reading this as something to just pass the times, I encourage to never forget. We as a country must not forget that this country was built upon the torture of innocent souls.

There's absolutely nothing that we can do to change the mistakes of the past but we are obligated to help change the future. Never forget the songs of the Negro slaves who cried to God for mercy. Remember their stories, experiences, hardships and headaches. Never forget about writers such as Harriet Jacobs and Fredrick Douglass, slaves who wrote about the realities of slavery. 

Never forget the many African American men who gave their lives for a country that didn't even recognize them as people. Never forget about the mothers and fathers who found their children hanging from the end of a rope. Never Forget about the men and women who were beat unmercifully for trying to exercise their right as a human being. Never forget the lives of Malcolm X and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Never forget the individuals who walked for miles in protest so that we could have a better life. Most importantly, never forget the significance of the day that the first African-American was sworn in as the President of the United States. 

Black History doesn't just last for a month, it's a lifestyle. Never forget the past. Never forget the struggles that the African American race has gone through to get to this point. While we have come so far, we still have a long way to go. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream that his children would not be judged by the color of his skin. His vision has yet to be completed. Somewhere there is a person who is fit to complete his journey. Somewhere, that person is destined for greatness. 

Is it you?